目前分類:Practice (2)

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Today in our opening event of Al&Tan's sculpture work I meet El again. I'm so happy to see her, we havn't met for a long time, and David is there as well. El tell me to email her when we have a gig in Bubb - her favorite pub. I'm looking forward to inviting her and David to our live performance.

I took a day off today to get some rest after a whole week sick. This morning I finally finished reading all the guitar chords. I'll start to do guitar composition for my own song....after a nap first.... I seem to have a little diarrhoea now...Oops!

aqspirit 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I'm lucky to have you
I never feel so warm to have a fully supporter like you
You're so sweet and considerate

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